Sunday, June 12, 2011


Good afternoon everyone! Hope your weekends have all been delightful! I worked most of the weekend, but today is my day off from both jobs...yes, both. Hallelujah! Anyhoo, my aunt and uncle came over today and delivered the dining room table, and the tv stand. Now we can stop eating on the couch and tv can be moved from the file cabinet. Surprisingly I did not intend to blog about the apartment today, that can wait. I wanted to express my excitement about something that will hopefully be a wonderful event full of generosity, excitement, laughter, and fun.

Rock the Sock, my first baby (the second being the new apartment haha), has blossomed into so much more than I could have ever dreamed of. While I am very excited about that, I am more excited that, possibly, in a year, Rock the Sock could be hosting a first annual event that will give so much to so many people. Not just in sock donations, but in fun, community involvement, and a sense of togetherness. A few of my aunts and I have been discussing plans for this event throughout the last few days. One of my aunts mentioned having it around the end of July and doing it in memory of a very important person who is no longer with us in person. This event would be planned by several members of my family and would hopefully help bring all of us closer together. What a blessing. When thinking about this event, I can't stop thinking of new ways that it would be helping everyone involved. What a great way to honor someone who was always thinking and lending a helpful hand to others. I think he would be proud. And that is why I can't contain my excitement for this event. You don't come across opportunities like this everyday, and letting one slip through your hands is unacceptable. It will be a lot of work, and there will be obstacles to overcome, but it most certainly can be done.

For more information on Rock the Sock, check out the blog at

As I leave you all today, don't forget that “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.” Know what you want, be excited about what you want, and work your tail off to get what you want. And, as always, remember that it's the random reasons...

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