Once upon a time there was a couple who had been wanting a puppy. At first the boyfriend thought that his girlfriend was just going through a phase and thought nothing of it. But then the boyfriend started to think about how joyful his life would be with a puppy in it. Saturday afternoons romping around in the sunshine, evening walks at the park, lounging around the house all cuddled up together... so he started to participate in the wanting of a puppy. The girlfriend was happy for the change, but then after some practical thinking they both realized that getting a puppy while living in their apartment would be expensive and slightly complicated. They started "awww"ing when they saw pictures of cute little puppies and they started to search for a house with a backyard. They decided to go play with some puppies at the shelter to make sure that they were not just going through a phase, so they planned a Saturday afternoon trip. On their way to the shelter the girlfriend warned the boyfriend to be strong for she feared that the boyfriend's heart would melt with every puppy they played with. As the couple walked into the noisy dog room of the shelter they heard deep loud barks from big dogs, shrill whining from the scared dogs, squeaky yapping from the ankle biters, and as they tired to focus, their eyes landed on a little dog bouncing up and down, wagging her tail, and pawing at the gate. They looked at her card: 1/2 basset hound and 1/2 heeler.....The couple wondered if she would be too big, so they headed to the other side of the kennel. There was a little black puppy laying in the corner all curled up and shivering. Her tag said she was part cocker spaniel and part beagle, but she looked like a min lab. They took turns going inside her cage and loving on her....nothing. She just kept whimpering and ignoring them. So the couple went back over to the other side. The bouncing puppy kept watching them, pawing at her gate. She was adorable, but the couple tried not to fall for it...but then the boyfriend suggested they take her for a walk outside. They ended up going to one of the play pens and playing fetch and the sweet tail wagging puppy tricked them into falling in love with her. The girlfriend had been hit the hardest and was convincing her boyfriend to adopt the puppy today. The boyfriend didn't take much convincing, but before they decided to adopt the puppy, they had to see how big she would get. The manager said that she shouldn't get bigger than 30 lbs. so the couple adopted the adorable bouncing puppy and took her right to Petco to buy the essentials and start spoiling their little princess.
So far Jawok hasn't had any problems! She is the absolute best dog in the entire world! She is potty training and crate training so quickly, she rarely barks, and she is very intelligent. Oh and there is that cuteness factor that she has....she is precious. She has turned me into a happy dog mommy in a matter of days. It is such a great thing knowing that we rescued her from sleeping in that loud, cold, dog shelter or from roaming the streets. Jawok is our little princess and we could not be more delighted.
Right after we brought her home!
Sleeping on the couch...with her new ID tag and collar.
Posing for a pretty picture.
Relaxing after a long walk at the Botanic Gardens.
How cute is that?
Such a gorgeous girl.
Princess Jawok is loving her forever home.
Sorry for the lengthy post, and for all the sappiness, but I just can't help it. As you go about your week, let something melt your heart....it doesn't have to be a puppy, but it could be. And if you are thinking about getting a puppy, think about adopting one! Oh and remember...it's the random reasons.
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