So, I have been super busy with getting ready to get to finals week. This past "Dead Week" as it is known around campus, has been very much alive, leaving me, at times, wanting to drop down into the fetal position. Presentation after prezi, paper after paper, design after design, this week has been a lot of work. The rainy weather had its pros and cons. It was good that it wasn't nice out, then I would want to be outside, instead of inside, working. But the dreary sky and rain seemed to make me want to curl up in bed and nap. Oh well. I have made it through more than half of the week and just have one paper left to do until finals week hits Stillwater. Luckily, unlike many of the students on campus, I do not have to worry about moving out of my room. Thank you summer conference assistant job!
Well, with the hopes that you are not already bored to tears with my description of my week, I am going to leave you with a video I used in my prezi presentation this morning in Comp 2. It gives me that tingly feeling every time I watch it and has already convinced me to add the movie to C.J.'s netflix line-up. So, I hope you enjoy this trailer from "Waiting for 'Superman'".
So as you go about your day try to find something which gives you that tingly feeling and inspires you to make the work a better place....and always remember that, it's the random reasons...
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