Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Trinket for Thursday

Today's trinket is a tad bit nerdy and caused some confusion for me this morning. On Thursday mornings I have my geography lab. I hate my geography class, and it is becoming more and more clear that the only reason I am taking it is to fulfill my science credits. Anyhoo, today in lab we worked with maps. Now, I don't know about you, but when I see a group of dots with numbers beside them I want to grab a pencil and connect the dots. You don't do this with isolines on a map. You have to draw around them and such.

Sorry for the boring trinket, but at least now you know that the geographers are doing more than just connecting the may not be as fun, but it is a little more complicated. Enjoy the rest of your day and don't's the random reasons.

P.S.  Look for an art post coming soon!

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