I hope you all enjoyed that I much as did. So pretty and shiny! Haha, anyways, I would also like to let you all know that there will be an art post soon and that you will be getting a Trinket for Thursday this week. As you go about this week, try to find something pretty to make you smile. No worries, you will find something pretty, after all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And, as always, it's the random reasons...
Sometimes all it takes is a little creativity to turn something ordinary into something g♥rgeous.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Pearls and Pinball
Hello everyone! I would like to let you all know that I am not giving up on the whole blogging thing, but the last two weeks have been terribly busy....but in a rather good way. I am very sorry for missing things like art postings and Trinkets for Thursdays. As an apology I am posting this Dior commercial that I found really intriguing. Hope you enjoy!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Silicone and Fishes
Good Monday everyone! Hope you are doing well! It has been a crazy week. Quick recap: My family came into town the weekend before last, it was a blast. This last week has been a series of running to classes, running to work, then running around trying to get homework finished and tests studied for. Thankfully this last weekend was great. I actually worked both Saturday and Sunday, but C.J. and I spent a lot of time just having fun. No homework this last weekend! That was super nice! Last night he popped Star Wars into the DVD player.....and so I can now say that I have seen Star Wars (even if it is only like an hours worth). Haha. Anyhoo, classes today were pretty good, and most of them let out early. So I have an art post for you and a surprise too!
Art Project Numero Uno: Clay tile, with flexible mold, and mother mold.
Class: 3D
This project has been extremely stretched out as far as the time frame goes. But anyways, we were told to make a 4 inch by 4 inch tile out of clay. The design was completely up to each individual, but it had to work when 9 of the same tile were laid together. I chose to take my inspiration from the Aegeans and the Italians, and then add some of my own flavor to it. It was both an additive and subtractive process. Here it is:
Art Project Numero Uno: Clay tile, with flexible mold, and mother mold.
Class: 3D
This project has been extremely stretched out as far as the time frame goes. But anyways, we were told to make a 4 inch by 4 inch tile out of clay. The design was completely up to each individual, but it had to work when 9 of the same tile were laid together. I chose to take my inspiration from the Aegeans and the Italians, and then add some of my own flavor to it. It was both an additive and subtractive process. Here it is:
The finished tile:
So there is that project....well, part of it. Because of the weather we were not able to cast our flexible molds out of the silicone sealant as soon as we would have liked. Then, we had to let those dry before we could cast the mother mold out of plaster....which we did today. So...hopefully soon I will have my nine tiles cast out of plaster. Want to know the best part about this project? We get to paint the tiles in as many colors as we would like! I am so excited!
Project Numero Dos: Zoology Study
Class: Drawing 2
Oh my goodness. If you have ever been down to the basement of Life Sciences West on campus you will know why I could not look at a glass jar for a few weeks without getting queasy. If you haven't been down there...let me fill you in. You see, below the classrooms of Life Sciences West lies the most perfect venue for a haunted house. No, there are no ghosts, but there are a lot of dead things. The basement is home to the Zoology collections museum which has animals dating back to before statehood. Impressive! So to help you get the visual, think of those shelves you can buy at Walmart and Lowes for your garage or shop....now think of those completely full of various sizes of mason glass jars...you have your pints, quarts, gallons, 2 gallons...etc. Now fill all of those jars with a liquid that looks like Miso soup....minus the tofu. (yum...right?) No. Now...stuff various types of animals into those soup filled jars. Gross...I know. They have all kinds--fish, snakes, frogs, bugs, polar bears, sharks, pigs....you name it, they probably have canned it. Now...that's not all. They also have several sets of drawers that when pulled out reveal dead birds...they are not stuffed either. They just lay side by side in the drawer blanketed with the smell of moth balls. As you walk out of the museum you can see the many deep freezes that line the basement hallway....creeeepy. Animals in jars not your thing? That's ok, they have deep freezes on the first floor with dead mammals and bones....also blanketed in moth balls. So...you might be wondering what I decided to draw....dead snake....dolphin skull.....Elvis the iguana? Nope...none of those. I chose to draw the live fish in the aquarium in the break room. And I loved it! Here are the fish from the break room. (Disclaimer: these fish were alive, not floating in some nasty Miso soup look a like jelly)
Fish One: Graphite Pencil
Fish Two: Ink
Fish Three: Charcoal
Now, the project included six drawings, 3 different mediums, and two types of reference materials. The fish above were all live subjects, and the fish below were all drawn from photographs.
Fish Four: Graphite Pencil
Fish Five: Charcoal
Fish Six: Ink
It was a fun project to do, mainly because it was different than what I would normally draw. The live, fast moving fish were a challenge, but I really enjoyed studying the fish and finding out the functions of their designs in order to accurately draw them.
Here is the aquarium where the first three fish live, and then all of the fishies together. :)
Now...for your promised surprise. Well, my current Drawing 2 project involves using one of my fish drawings in an installation at the Postal Plaza in downtown Stillwater. The Postal Plaza will be the new OSU art gallery, and will be hosting a building reception on the 19th of this month. The awesome news? My installation will be seen at the reception! Hooray! I am getting very excited! Here is a link to the art department's blog talking about the reception:
I will post pictures after the reception. Sorry for the extremely long post today, but I needed to get some art on here. Hope you all have a fabulous week, and remember to just keep swimming. And, as always...it's the random reasons.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
A Trinket for Thursday
Hello everyone! Today's trinket is about a very cute movie that I am watching right now. Watch it.
Goodnight all!
Have a wonderful weekend, and don't give up on the art post...it is coming very soon. This weekend, try to relax and tell someone you love them. And, as always...it's the random reasons.
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